Give the Cat What It Wants: The Art of Creating Value and Making Money

This article discusses the lesson of focusing on creating something of value and building a reputation for oneself, rather than constantly chasing after opportunities. The analogy of chasing a cat is used to illustrate this concept in various scenarios, such as starting a business or investing in the stock market.

Mar 16, 2023 - 14:15
Mar 16, 2023 - 14:18
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Give the Cat What It Wants: The Art of Creating Value and Making Money
woman holding money and cat looking

We all want to make money, but the question is, how do we do it? Should we chase after every opportunity that comes our way, or is there a better way? As it turns out, the answer may lie in a simple analogy: the cat.

Imagine you're trying to catch a cat. You might chase it around, try to corner it, or bribe it with treats. But no matter what you do, the cat always seems to slip away. However, if you stop chasing the cat and simply offer it something it wants, like a toy or a piece of string, the cat will come to you.

The lesson here is that instead of constantly chasing after something, you should focus on creating something of value that others want. This way, you become the one that people come to, rather than the other way around.

Let's say you want to start a business selling homemade candles. If you spend all your time chasing after customers, advertising, and trying to convince people to buy your candles, it will be much more difficult to make a profit. However, if you focus on creating unique, high-quality candles with scents that people love, customers will naturally come to you because they want what you have to offer.

Another example could be in the stock market. If you constantly try to chase after hot stocks that everyone is talking about, you might end up losing money. However, if you focus on learning about a particular industry or niche and invest in companies that you believe will be successful in the long run, you will have a better chance of making money.

In essence, the lesson is to focus on creating something of value and building a reputation for yourself rather than constantly chasing after the next opportunity. By doing so, you'll be more likely to attract opportunities and success to you.

Of course, creating something of value isn't always easy. It takes time, effort, and often a lot of trial and error. But the good news is that anyone can do it. Whether you're an entrepreneur, an investor, or simply someone looking to make a little extra money on the side, the key is to focus on what you're good at, what you're passionate about, and what you can offer that others can't.

So, if you want to make money, give the cat what it wants. Focus on creating something of value, and the success will come to you.

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